Last Friday night, Publicis Italy was awarded with six Grand Prix, seven Golds, two Silvers and four Bronzes at the Golden Drums, thanks to six campaigns:
Shutter Ads,
We’ll meet again and Super League for Heineken,
Enjoy before returning and
Francesca for Diesel,
Playlist Timer for Barilla.
These recognitions crown us as Agency of the Year for the second consecutive year.
The six Grand Prix were assigned to Shutter Ads (One Channel – Food & Drinks), Enjoy before returning (Omnichannel – Engagement, Brand Building and Activation) and Francesca (One Channel – Retail & Public Services and Craft – Direction).
Shutter Ads also won two Goldens in the Omnichannel section in Engagement and Covid-19 categories, while Enjoy before returning was awarded one Gold and one Bronze in Integrated sport and fashion category (Omnichannel) and Original music (Craft) respectively. Francesca got three Golds in the Craft section: Casting, Cinematography, Sound, Design & Adapted Music.
Excellent result also for Playlist Timer, which won two Bronzes in Digital, Mobile and Technology section (Digital & Mobile Creativity, Streaming/Downloadable Creative Content and Podcasts).
We’ll meet again was awarded one Silver in the Omnichannel section in Film/Food& Drink category, one Silver (Adapted music) and one Bronze (Direction) in the Craft section.
Lastly, Super League got a Gold in the Creative Business Excellence section in the Real time action content category.
Check the news on
Golden Drum.
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